Why Athens?

Greece was chosen by the Gods, and Athens is the capital!

Athens is a great city! Attica (greater Athens) has so much to offer, but unfortunately not many people know about this. Very few are aware of all the great things that you can do in Athens. Usually, tourists that visit Greece only stay in Athens a few hours. They get to see the Acropolis and basically wait for the boat ride to a Greek island. Don’t get me wrong, the Greek islands are amazing! Out-of-this-world! But Athens, is amazing as well!

Athens is a city famous for its rich and glorious history through the ages, as well as for its culture, which combines both traditional and modern characteristics.

From history, tradition and culture, to amazing bars, great restaurants, taverns and hip cafes, to super cool clubs and phenomenal bouzoukia.

Athens is a party city, with so many options in so many different parts of the city.

No matter where you are located in Attica, something to do is always walking distance away. Think of Attica as many little cities combined into one. Great neighborhoods, with so much to do.

Apart from the history and the gastronomy, Athens has amazing beaches that you can soak under the sun. Numerous beaches with great beach-bars and taverns next to the waves.

Discover the Athens Riviera and Sail along the 30 mile coast line, all the way to Poseidon’s temple.

Athens also has great shopping, either in locals markets or big shopping malls. Anything you want to purchase, you will find it somewhere in Athens.

If you are an outdoor enthusiast, there is also hiking and climbing since everywhere you look there is a hill or mountain you can climb, and of course cycling in different parts of the city.

No matter what you do, where you go or no matter what you visit, you need to live the “Greek Life” in order to understand why Athens is so unique.

Live the Greek life and discover why Athens is the hidden treasure of Europe!